Festive Fun Boxed Off At Parris Lawn Care Home!
When Parris Lawn’s Head Housekeeper, Sharon, turned up to work wearing a giant box, residents and team members thought she’d taken her Christmas parcel wrapping a step too far! It turned out to be an inspired creation by Sharon’s daughter, which has brought joy and laughter to all at Parris Lawn Care Home in Lewes.
Inspiration and the Letter A
The story begins with Abigail, Sharon’s daughter, who was invited to a festive fancy dress party and was tasked with coming as something beginning with her first initial – ‘A’. Abigail bypassed more obvious options like Alice in Wonderland, Ariel from the Little Mermaid or even an angel, and settled on ‘advent calendar’. And just like that, the idea for a human advent calendar was born!
The giant cardboard masterpiece took a few days to complete and while she was creating the little windows and working out how to add the treats inside, Abigail started to realise what great fun a human advent calendar would be for residents at Parris Lawn once she had worn it to her party.
Sharon Takes On the Human Advent Calendar Role
The completed costume was handed over to Abigail’s mum, Sharon, who also took on the responsibility of wearing it. When the human advent calendar made its first appearance at the regular Friday Coffee Morning gathering, the residents could not believe their eyes. Even biscuit-loving Dilly and Joan put their custard creams down and came for a closer look!
Residents were allowed to open a window each and were rewarded with a surprise advent chocolate and the promise of a return appearance by the human advent calendar at every Parris Lawn Coffee Morning in December. The sweets are replenished and windows re-sealed after every outing but the novelty simply doesn’t wear off for residents, and it also means that any visitors or relatives can also take part in the weekly unveiling.
Hot in the Box but Worth It!
Sharon did mention that although she was very warm inside the box, therefore grateful that the Coffee Morning only runs for an hour each Friday morning, it was definitely worth the effort to see the smiles and laughter coming from the residents and team members.
Everyone at Parris Lawn loves the fact that Sharon, and originally Abigail, have gone the extra mile and introduced a dash of originality to bring the festive season well and truly to life!
Dementia Specialist Care Home in Lewes
Parris Lawn Care Home, located in the village of Ringmer in Lewes, East Sussex, has established itself as a home of excellence for outstanding dementia care. The care home provides a safe and supportive setting for people living with dementia, encouraging independence, dignity, and wellbeing.
For more information about Parris Lawn Care Home and its dedication to dementia care, please visit our dedicated page for more information. You can also find information on our other dementia specialist care homes by exploring our site. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch to find out more.