Guysfield residents and team celebrate after receiving continued ‘Good’ CQC rating
Recognised for being caring and well-led Guysfield Residential Home team were found to be receiving appropriate and effective training for their role and as a result, residents felt they were “safe” and “well-supported by the service”.
Residents were also “supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives” and that staff “supported them in the least restrictive way possible and in their best interests.”
This is aided by the correct policies, procedures and systems being in place to support the home and team. The care team also promote a “positive culture that is person-centred, open, inclusive and empowering”, stating they would be happy to have a relative of theirs living there.
At the time of the CQC inspection, a new home manager had been appointed. One relative said: "I know the new manager. They are very easy to talk to and listen well. We have a monthly newsletter and also meetings (online now) with family members of residents to talk about any problems and also to give ideas or suggestions. The management have always been willing to listen."
As a part of the inspection process, inspectors took into account residents' and relatives' views about the service. One relative said: "The care given to my loved one is excellent. Their health and mental health were at an all-time low and the caring professional staff at Guysfield turned their health around."
Caring Homes’ continuously looks to improve its services, and the team at Guysfield is already implementing additional management support and training to help drive further improvements to the home.
Guysfield Residential Home, home manager, Emily Douglass, said: “We’re absolutely delighted to have retained our ‘Good’ CQC rating. Here at Guysfield Residential Home, we strive to provide the best possible care to our residents and ensure this is ‘their’ home.
“The dedication and commitment of the team that is highlighted in the inspection report is what makes our home well-led and I would like to thank them for always delivering the best quality of care possible.
“Looking ahead to the future, we as a team look to build upon our CQC rating and work to continuously improve the quality of care and service we provide our residents and their families.”
Guysfield Residential Home is a Victorian building surrounded by beautiful rural countryside and stands within large grounds of south facing landscaped gardens. The home has a warm welcoming family atmosphere offering the highest standards of residential, and dementia care on a permanent and short stay basis.
For more information on our home or to arrange a tour call our friendly team on freephone 0808 223 5509.