Mr Kelloggs visits Homefield Grange Care Home
The residents and team at Homefield Grange Care Home were visited this week by My Kelloggs a miniature Shetland Pony.
The visit was arranged by the wellbeing team at the home so that the residents could engage with him, during his visit he went into residents rooms and even took the lift to the first floor as well.
Animal-assisted therapy is a growing area that uses dogs and other animals to help people recover or cope better with health problems. They also provide comfort, distraction and stimulation.
It has been proven that interaction with animals can help lower blood pressure, releases endorphins that have a calming effect and even diminishes overall physical pain.
The smiles and laughter around the home was lovely to hear and everyone can't wait to welcome him back for another visit.
Homefield Grange provides residential, nursing and dementia care on a permanent and short stay basis. If you are looking for a care home and want to find out more about our home call us on freephone 0808 223 5536.