Nurse and Dementia Champion - Margaret Callaghan
Nominated by Dr Beverley Young. Senior Lecturer. UWS
Margaret is passionate about enhancing the quality of life for people with dementia living in care homes, an area that she has been committed to for the past 26 years. Her dedication to enhancing the life experiences of people with dementia has led her to becoming a lifelong learner. Margaret has extensive experience with Alzheimer Scotland Centre for Policy and Practice and is one of Scotland’s National Dementia Champions. Margaret is a PhD student at University of the West of Scotland and receives PhD supervision from staff in Alzheimer Scotland Centre for Policy and Practice Margaret's research study explores how fundamental care is planned and individualised for people living with dementia in nursing homes.
At the start of the pandemic Margaret was concerned about staff or residents becoming unwell, feeling alone and unsupported, therefore she decided to be accessible 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Since then, Margaret has been managing a care home in England. She has been central in keeping residents. their families and staff up-to-date in relation to reducing risk and implementing strategies to keep residents in touch with their friends and families. During this time, Margaret made the decision to remain in England to reduce the risk of COVID-19 being transferred to the care home.
In sharing her experience of the past six months, Margaret said: "l made the decision to put 100% into being there for others. Although this has been extremely difficult, and I have seen my family once since March, the rewards have been worth it. The care home I managed during this time has zero COVID-19 - this includes staff and residents."