Parris Lawn Care Home pay respects to the Queen
The residents and team at Parris Lawn Care Home have paid their respects to the Queen in their own unique way. Everyone at the home took the opportunity to sign a card which was created by the residents and was then taken by Costin (Deputy Home Manager) and Jesse (Customer Relations Advisor) to London.
They both embarked on the trip to London to pay their respects as well as the respects of the Parris Lawn family to Queen Elizabeth II, with unforgettable memories made while queuing and walking.
The second part of their journey took them to Buckingham Palace, where they laid flowers and the card from all at the home. Throughout the day they met new people along the route and shared stories and found it very emotional on behalf of the home.
Parris Lawn Care Home provides residential care, nursing care and dementia care on a permanent and short stay basis. If you are looking for a care home and want to find out more about our home call us on freephone 0808 169 8657.