Stir Up Tuesday at Broadbridge Park
The residents and team at Broadbridge Park Care Home are getting ready for Christmas and took part in Stir Up Tuesday, baking a Christmas cake with Head Chef Chris. Everyone enjoyed Sherry, Tea, and mince pies, while it was being mixed and ingredients added as well as lots of laughter. Once baked there was more than enough to go around and the smell was absolutely beautiful throughout the home, it was a great way to start the festive celebrations and spread the festive cheer.
Activity-based care is a key ingredient for our residents to feel engaged and helps socialisation within the home, plus smells and scents can evoke memories that have a calming and relaxing influence – like the smell of baking. This type of activity can also stimulate discussions about favourite meals or recipes and reminiscence of baking with parents or children. Plus it provides some delicious delights to enjoy!